1. 9.4 Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
  2. 9.2 From Two-Dimensional to Three-Dimensional Environment with Q-Learning: Modeling Autonomous Navigation with Reinforcement Learning and no Libraries
  3. 8.9 Uncertainty-Aware Deployment of Pre-trained Language-Conditioned Imitation Learning Policies
  4. 8.7 Generalized Policy Learning for Smart Grids: FL TRPO Approach
  5. 8.5 Tensor-based Graph Learning with Consistency and Specificity for Multi-view Clustering
  6. 8.4 Safe and Robust Reinforcement-Learning: Principles and Practice
  7. 8.0 Understanding the Learning Dynamics of Alignment with Human Feedback
  8. 7.8 Conditional Wasserstein Distances with Applications in Bayesian OT Flow Matching
  9. 7.5 Physics-Informed Graph Neural Networks for Water Distribution Systems
  10. 7.2 Contrastive Learning with Orthonormal Anchors (CLOA)