1. 9.5 Foundations for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning: A Taxonomy of Knowledge Modalities
  2. 9.2 Energy-based Potential Games for Joint Motion Forecasting and Control
  3. 9.1 Harnessing Discrete Representations For Continual Reinforcement Learning
  4. 8.9 Nash Learning from Human Feedback
  5. 8.8 Action Inference by Maximising Evidence: Zero-Shot Imitation from Observation with World Models
  6. 8.7 Extreme Event Prediction with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Parametrization of Atmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence
  7. 8.6 A Survey of Temporal Credit Assignment in Deep Reinforcement Learning
  8. 8.5 Compositional Policy Learning in Stochastic Control Systems with Formal Guarantees
  9. 8.4 Robot Synesthesia: In-Hand Manipulation with Visuotactile Sensing
  10. 7.9 HGPROMPT: Bridging Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Graphs for Few-shot Prompt Learning