- 9.7 When is Agnostic Reinforcement Learning Statistically Tractable?
- Authors: Zeyu Jia, Gene Li, Alexander Rakhlin, Ayush Sekhari, Nathan Srebro
- Reason: Accepted to NeurIPS 2023, and it introduces a new complexity measure for policy classes, which could potentially be a significant contribution to the field of reinforcement learning.
- 9.5 Reinforcement Learning in the Era of LLMs: What is Essential? What is needed? An RL Perspective on RLHF, Prompting, and Beyond
- Authors: Hao Sun
- Reason: The paper discusses recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and the potential future directions in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) research. This could have a broad impact on the field, given the increasing prominence of language modelling in machine learning applications.
- 9.5 Federated Learning with Reduced Information Leakage and Computation
- Authors: Tongxin Yin, Xueru Zhang, Mohammad Mahdi Khalili, Mingyan Liu
- Reason: This paper discusses Federated Learning, a relevant topic that balances privacy and accuracy in machine learning. It proposes a novel framework achieving lower information leakage and less computation. It provides theoretical analysis and real-world data application, indicating potential applicability and impact in the field.
- 9.3 Learning Cyber Defence Tactics from Scratch with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Jacob Wiebe, Ranwa Al Mallah, Li Li
- Reason: The work is presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Cyber Defense, 2023. It demonstrates the ability for multi-agent reinforcement learning to significantly improve cyber defence tactics.
- 9.2 Discovering Mixtures of Structural Causal Models from Time Series Data
- Authors: Sumanth Varambally, Yi-An Ma, Rose Yu
- Reason: Time series data extraction and causal relationship understanding are crucial but challenging tasks in fields like finance, neuroscience, and climate science. This paper relaxes certain standard assumptions, proposing a new way of causal discovery, which demonstrated the superiority over existing methods.
- 9.1 Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent RL: An Optimization Perspective
- Authors: Nuoya Xiong, Zhihan Liu, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang
- Reason: This paper proposes a novel complexity measure for general-sum Markov Games and demonstrates a new algorithmic framework for efficient learning - a significant contribution to multi-agent reinforcement learning.
- 9.1 Boosting Continuous Control with Consistency Policy
- Authors: Yuhui Chen, Haoran Li, Dongbin Zhao
- Reason: This research targets solving challenges in diffusion model applied in reinforcement learning. A novel method named CPQL has been proposed to improve time efficiency and guidance accuracy, which is extendable for online tasks and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
- 9.0 Suppressing Overestimation in Q-Learning through Adversarial Behaviors
- Authors: HyeAnn Lee, Donghwan Lee
- Reason: This paper introduces a new Q-learning algorithm that could effectively manage the overestimation bias in standard Q-learning, which could lead to improvements in the performance of reinforcement learning algorithms.
- 9.0 Deep reinforcement learning uncovers processes for separating azeotropic mixtures without prior knowledge
- Authors: Quirin Göttl, Jonathan Pirnay, Jakob Burger, Dominik G. Grimm
- Reason: The paper discusses the application of reinforcement learning agents on process synthesis in chemical engineering, providing a new perspective for complex issue addressing in this field. The presented method has shown superior separation ability and a good learning of engineering fundamentals.
- 8.8 Zero-Shot Transfer in Imitation Learning
- Authors: Alvaro Cauderan, Gauthier Boeshertz, Florian Schwarb, Calvin Zhang
- Reason: This paper presents an algorithm for imitation learning that can transfer to new domains without retraining. This is a critical development, especially in robotic learning where domain transfer is a common challenge.