1. 9.6 Provably Efficient Exploration in Constrained Reinforcement Learning:Posterior Sampling Is All You Need
  2. 9.5 Evaluating Cognitive Maps and Planning in Large Language Models with CogEval
  3. 9.4 Distill Knowledge in Multi-task Reinforcement Learning with Optimal-Transport Regularization
  4. 9.3 From Asset Flow to Status, Action and Intention Discovery: Early Malice Detection in Cryptocurrency
  5. 9.2 Jointly Training Large Autoregressive Multimodal Models
  6. 9.1 Deep Generative Methods for Producing Forecast Trajectories in Power Systems
  7. 9.0 MLOps for Scarce Image Data: A Use Case in Microscopic Image Analysis
  8. 8.9 Conservative World Models
  9. 8.7 STARC: A General Framework For Quantifying Differences Between Reward Functions
  10. 8.7 Startup success prediction and VC portfolio simulation using CrunchBase data