1. 9.8 Statistical Perspective of Top-K Sparse Softmax Gating Mixture of Experts
  2. 9.6 Diagnosing and exploiting the computational demands of videos games for deep reinforcement learning
  3. 9.6 Can LLM-Generated Misinformation Be Detected?
  4. 9.6 Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction
  5. 9.5 Sample Complexity of Neural Policy Mirror Descent for Policy Optimization on Low-Dimensional Manifolds
  6. 9.4 Weakly Supervised Reasoning by Neuro-Symbolic Approaches
  7. 9.4 ORLA: Mobile Manipulator-Based Object Rearrangement with Lazy A
  8. 9.3 ODE-based Recurrent Model-free Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs
  9. 9.2 Distributional Shift-Aware Off-Policy Interval Estimation: A Unified Error Quantification Framework
  10. 9.2 Interpretable and Flexible Target-Conditioned Neural Planners For Autonomous Vehicles
  11. 9.2 Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Stochastic Environments
  12. 9.1 Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Heat Transfer Control of Pulsating Impinging Jets
  13. 9.0 C$^2$VAE: Gaussian Copula-based VAE Differing Disentangled from Coupled Representations with Contrastive Posterior
  14. 9.0 Real-time Bandwidth Estimation from Offline Expert Demonstrations
  15. 8.8 Limits of Actor-Critic Algorithms for Decision Tree Policies Learning in IBMDPs