1. 9.5 Optimal and Fair Encouragement Policy Evaluation and Learning
  2. 9.2 Safe and Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning-based O-RAN Slicing: A Hybrid Transfer Learning Approach
  3. 9.1 Interpretability is in the Mind of the Beholder: A Causal Framework for Human-interpretable Representation Learning
  4. 8.9 Rates of Convergence in Certain Native Spaces of Approximations used in Reinforcement Learning
  5. 8.9 Causal Entropy and Information Gain for Measuring Causal Control
  6. 8.7 Learning to Warm-Start Fixed-Point Optimization Algorithms
  7. 8.6 Efficient quantum recurrent reinforcement learning via quantum reservoir computing
  8. 8.5 Understanding Vector-Valued Neural Networks and Their Relationship with Real and Hypercomplex-Valued Neural Networks
  9. 8.3 PRE: Vision-Language Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder
  10. 8.1 Finding Influencers in Complex Networks: An Effective Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach