1. 9.5 InTune: Reinforcement Learning-based Data Pipeline Optimization for Deep Recommendation Models
  2. 9.3 A Meta-learning based Stacked Regression Approach for Customer Lifetime Value Prediction
  3. 9.2 ResBuilder: Automated Learning of Depth with Residual Structures
  4. 9.1 A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Performance-aware Reduction in Power Consumption of Data Center Compute Nodes
  5. 9.1 Can Transformers Learn Optimal Filtering for Unknown Systems?
  6. 9.0 CDR: Conservative Doubly Robust Learning for Debiased Recommendation
  7. 8.9 Active Inverse Learning in Stackelberg Trajectory Games
  8. 8.8 Planning to Learn: A Novel Algorithm for Active Learning during Model-Based Planning
  9. 8.6 Ada-QPacknet: adaptive pruning with bit width reduction as an efficient continual learning method without forgetting
  10. 8.4 Probabilistic Black-Box Checking via Active MDP Learning