1. 9.5 Adaptive Frequency Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory based on Hybrid Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning
  2. 9.3 Unconstrained Online Learning with Unbounded Losses
  3. 9.2 covLLM: Large Language Models for COVID-19 Biomedical Literature
  4. 9.0 Learning to Navigate in Turbulent Flows with Aerial Robot Swarms: A Cooperative Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
  5. 9.0 Robust Learning with Progressive Data Expansion Against Spurious Correlation
  6. 8.9 A Gradient-based Approach for Online Robust Deep Neural Network Training with Noisy Labels
  7. 8.9 Decision S4: Efficient Sequence-Based RL via State Spaces Layers
  8. 8.7 $K$-Nearest-Neighbor Resampling for Off-Policy Evaluation in Stochastic Control
  9. 8.7 Conformal Prediction for Federated Uncertainty Quantification Under Label Shift
  10. 8.4 Instructed Diffuser with Temporal Condition Guidance for Offline Reinforcement Learning
  11. 8.4 Offline Prioritized Experience Replay
  12. 8.2 A framework for dynamically training and adapting deep reinforcement learning models to different, low-compute, and continuously changing radiology deployment environments
  13. 8.1 Automatic retrieval of corresponding US views in longitudinal examinations
  14. 7.8 Federated Linear Contextual Bandits with User-level Differential Privacy
  15. 7.2 Large-scale Dataset Pruning with Dynamic Uncertainty